Monday, December 8, 2008

Interviewing For A New Family Member

We've filled out applications for a new family dog with a couple rescue organizations.

Desert Labrador Rescue

Arizona Labrador and Giant Breed Rescue

AZ Weimeraner Rescue

Under normal circumstances I would not be in a huge hurry to adopt another dog, but Oskar, our 3 1/2 year old had a difficult time with Tyler being gone. He has really been missing his dog. Which in turn, makes it a bit harder for me.

So together as a family we've been reading dog breed books, looking at photos online of available dogs for adoption in Tucson, thinking of boy and girl dog names. That seems to lighten the sadness a bit. We decided we definitely want another Lab, but not a Black Lab- only white or chocolate. We all agreed it wouldn't be fair to the dog if he look exactly like Tyler as no dog could fulfill that expectation. Also together as a family at dinner we took a moment and put it out there to the universe that the right dog for our family find his/her way to us.

A Desert Labs volunteer came on Saturday for a home inspection where they check out your house before they let you adopt. We'll find out this week if we pass their standards. The volunteer brought along her 5 year old chocolate lab "Chelsea" and it felt so nice to have a dog in the house again. We were all sad to see her go.

Two new dogs came up on the website today- Ben and Dharma. I am taking it as a bit of a sign about Dharma as I have been practicing Buddhist meditation the past few years- and this month in particular with all the health excitement dove right in to a lot of dharma study. So I wonder if she'll be our dog- or will lead us to our new dog. Either way it felt like a wink from the universe we are on the right path.

Here are their photos

Ben- 3 year old male yellow lab

Dharma- 6 year old female

I thought I'd post their photos here- just in case their future home was to be with a blog reader and seeing their handsome mug might make that happen quicker. I was surprised to see how many pure-bred dogs need good homes and are ready for adoption. Please click on the links above if you are looking for a Labrador in AZ or want to make a donation to a worthy cause.

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